The Python script can be found on my Github as album_covers_and_URIs.py You run the script from a terminal or command prompt as: $ python albums_and_URIs.py

On systems with pip installed this can be done by: $ pip install spotipy At first the Python package Spotipy should be installed on your PC. In this step 10 album covers of each of your 60 most played artists on Spotify are automatically downloaded by a Python script I wrote. Step 2a: Automatically downloading album covers and Spotify URI's with a Python script This step is simpler but is a lot of work if you have to download multiple album covers manually, search for every URI yourself and copy and past them into the necessary.

Īutomate, a free android automation application to automate actions.NFC TagWriter by NXP, a free android NFC writer application (Better buy some more as you can never have to many NFC tags at home) I bought mine in bulk from AliExpress (100 tags for about 10 $ ). NFC tags: As many programmable tags as you have albums you want to display.